د. عزة أبوبكر المنصوري

رئيس قسم المكتبات والمعلومات رئيس تحرير مجلة كلية الآداب رئيس لجنة إعداد دليل الدراسات العليا في الكلية

Academic CV


Dr. Azza A Abubaker 

Data of Birth: 19/8/1968 

Email: azzaabubaker@ymail.com 

Tel: 00218927873067


Current Employment:

Teaching in library and information sciences department in Benghazi university from 1992 – present

Head of the library and information department – Benghazi university ( 2016- present)  

Academic Profile:

 research has centered on the development of designing electronic text, reading processes, interact with interface, user needs, information seek, technical services in library ( classification, cataloging new materials, acquisition and preparation) traditional and digital library

Educational Background: -

PhD (2014) in information science from  Huddersfield university / computing and engineering school/ informatics department

MSc degree ( 2001) in information Science from department of Library and information department, university of Benghazi, Libya

BSc degree ( 1992) in Library and information Science from department of Library and information department, university of Benghazi, Libya


Other Achievements:

            attended APP course ( 2009) , include; 

-  Introduction to lecturing and teaching large groups.

- Evaluating learning and teaching .

- Introduction to supporting disabled students.

- Developing effective presentation skills.

- Student assessment and feedback.

- Designing learning activities.

- Introduction to small group teaching.

- Introduction to learning and teaching.

-  Attended Qualitative data collection course , 04/02/2009. Huddersfield university.

-  Attended Personal development planning, 13/02/2009. Huddersfield university.

-  Attended Ethical issues in research,04/03/2009. Huddersfield university.

-  Attended Access 1: an introduction to databases.10/06/2009. Huddersfield university.

-  Attended Access 2: tables, relationships and queries. 17/06/2009. Huddersfield university.

-  Attended Access 3: forms and reports. 24/06/2009. Huddersfield university.

-  Attended NVivo- managing Qualitative data.29/10/2010. Huddersfield university.

-  Attended Developing and using conceptual frameworks. 24/10/2010. Huddersfield university.

-  Attended Video conferencing training ( CH meeting Room). 15/02/2010. Huddersfield university.

-  Attended Mind mapping. 12/11/2009. Huddersfield university.

- Attended Drawing and diagrams in PowerPoint. 15/02/2010. Huddersfield university.

-  Attended Dreamweaver/ Huddersfield college. 2012


Abubaker, A, Lu, Joan and Yip, Yau Jim (2008) Framework to design new model of E-journals. In: Proceedings of Computing and Engineering Annual Researchers' Conference 2008: CEARC’08. University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, pp. 93-99. ISBN 978-1-86218-067-3. http://eprints.hud.ac.uk/3687/

Abubaker, A., Lu, J. and Yip, Y. (2009). New Model of Web Information Retrieval: International Conference on Internet Computing - ICOMP , pp. 277-282.

 Abubaker, A., Lu, J. (2011). Model of E-Reading Process for E-School Book in Libya. International Journal of Information Retrieval Research, 1(3), 35-53. http://www.irma-international.org/viewtitle/64170/

 Abubaker, A. and L. Joan . (2011) ‘E-reading strategy model to read E-school book in Libya’. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet Computing. : ICOMP.

Abubaker, A., Lu, J. and Wilkinson, J. (2011) ‘Measuring typographical variables in Arabic script in Reading ’. In: International Conference on Education and Learning in Mobile Age 2011, 1-2 June 2011, Lake District, UK.

Abubaker, A. and L. Joan . (2012). The optimum font size and type for students aged 9-12 reading Arabic characters on screen: A case study. COMADEM2012. Journal of Physics: Conference Series / VOL 364. http://iopscience.iop.org/1742-6596/364/1/012115/

Abubaker, A. and L. Joan  (2013). Optimal Line Length for Reading SchoolBook on Screen; International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies: EDULEARN13 Session: e-Learning Projects and Experiences. Session type: VIRTUAL: Barcelona: Spain. 1st – 3rd of July 2013. 5th edition. http://library.iated.org/publications/EDULEARN13/start/475


Abubaker, A. and Fadeel, Khadiga. ( 2012) theses Guide of university of Benghazi from 1981 to 2007. Benghazi university, Libya. P 559.

Abubaker, A. and L. Joan (2013) “ Model of e-reading process for e-school book in Libya” chapter of book, Information retrieval methods for multidisciplinary applications. Hershey, Pa. : IGI Global. USA. Ebook. http://lib.sabah.uitm.edu.my/webopac20/Record/00072351/TOC 

Arabic publications:


عزة المنصوري، رحيم عبود. ( 2006). استخدام الأنترنت من قبل اعضاء هيأة التدريس بجامعة بنغازي. مجلة قاريونس.

عزة المنصوري، أحلام الصوصاع. ( 2007). تقييم مواقع المكتبات العربية علي شيكة المعلومات العالمية( الأنترنت). مؤتمر الاتحاد العربي للمكتبات و المعلومات الرابع عشر . طرابلس. ص357- 389.

عزة المنصوري(2015). المقررات الدراسية بأقسام المكتبات والمعلومات بالجامعات الليبية ومدي قدرتها التأهيلية لاختصاصي المعلومات. مؤتمر المكتبات الجامعية في ليبيا – الواقع و اليات التطوير. جامعة  المراقب .الخمس- ليبيا.  

Professional Memberships: 

- The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications. 2014.

- Libya Library Association.

- reviewer at International Journal of Information Retrieval Research.

- Scientific and Technical Committee & Editorial Review Board Member in World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology.

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